Sunday, 18 January 2015

The Weekend Post | January Update

Story time =tea time feat. Essie "Bordeaux"

Hello and welcome to a new post for the end of this week. Today I thought to show you what I've been up to this sunday and how my week was. It's a little bit different from the normal posts I write but I hope you like it :)

The penguins from Madagascar have landed at my town
Deliciouss - Nutella Stuffed Cookies
Winter walks

Well today has been a day full of relaxing. As the weather was really nice and the sun showed its face I went outside with ma best friend to take some photos in the fields (the sun was out but it was freezing). After that we warmed up with a cup of Chai tea and whilst baking some Nutella stuffed cookies (made from this recipe: ).
They went really well and taste delicious (can't stop myself from eating them).
Also I went working yesterday, which was quite good because many people came into the shop.
 I don't know if I have mentioned it before but I work in a health food store since July, which is really fun, because I get to know many new people and get a better insight in the different ways to eat healthy.

There I have to grant shelves, to work at the cash register and to do basically everything what is needed to do. After that I met one of my best friends and we talked very long and got our daily potion of fangirling (for One Direction of course). But now to what's coming up: The next two weeks I have to do a work experience, which I attend to do at my local travel agency, because ther I booked the Barcelona vacation from last year and I think it's very interesting. Also it's like a little break from school to learn new things and to get to know this work better (even if I want to work as a journalist when I'm older). School started this week and with it the half-term and even if I'm just one week at school after the winter holidays I'm more than exhausted from this week. Since it was the end of the first term, the most teacher told us our grades for our upcoming report and mostly I'm quite satisfied with the grades (except from math- math sucks). Well I am excited what my grades will be like in the next term. Forgot to mention that I had a super-nice evening with my bestest friends at the 8th January to celebrate my birthday. Short said: Ate good, laughed much and had fun.
Big meal for five - Celebrating with a birthday bash
So this was my little life update, I hope you liked it and let me know if you want a post like this again :). Last january post will be about my 10 things I loved in December and January (the monthly usual post).
Have a fresh start in the new week,
Karina <3

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