Sunday, 4 January 2015

New Year's Resolutions

So 'Happy 2015' to you all! I hope you have started this year well. I celebrated New Year's Eve with my best friends (as mentioned in my last post) and we had a buzzin evening whilst eating (a lot), watching 'Happy New Year', playing Tabu (where we got too overexcited so we kinda forget that it was nearly midnight) and talking. And as 2015 means a new year with a fresh start, to make things better and to create new memories,I want to show you my resolutions for this year.


-do more sport (even if i I have school stress, because it relaxes me)
- meet my grandma and grandpa more regulary (as I often don't have time to visit them)
-enjoy life (get over with the bad things and enjoy every single moment of this year!)
-have fun with friends, as meant to meet friends more often and to create great moments with them
-improve my grades (work hard-play hard)
-don't forget to eat healthy (this resolution I really brought to life last year and I want to carry on with that)
-create beautiful memories (and hold on to these, if I'm feeling down)
- improve my hobby photography and capture the memories I make
-don't take things to serious (get over it and carry on, life is too short to think about the negative points)
-laugh, smile and make the best out of a situation (a smile is the best thing you can wear and with your laugh you won't only make yourself happy)
-always take me-time and relax
-have more self-confidence (don't let others destroy it and live your life like you want to)
-try to get fresh-cut flowers (to make yourself happy and to have a nice atmosphere in your room)
-work for my dreams (hold on to things and work for it, don't loose the focus)
-enjoy the little things (even if it's just the sun which is finding the way through the clouds)
-do homework and learning earlier and not at the late evening (first things first then relax, as I'm foolishly a person, who likes to delay things until it's maybe too late)
-always take time for family and friends, as they are the persons who support me and who give me power to do things
-don't let the bad things control my mind/life (better times will come, I know that very well)

My question to you:
What are your resolutions for 2015?

I wish you a great week and we will see each other in 4 days with a new post (Can you guess what it is from my '30 facts about me' ;) ).
Bye bye,
Karina <3

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