Monday, 28 July 2014

The Multi-Fruit Refreshing Smoothie (Own Recipe)

Today I thought to show you the making of this really tasty smoothie, which is perfect for the summer. I made this smoothie with my two best friends and they liked it very much. Also thanks to Francisca who helped me with taking the photos for this post. Leave me in the comments if you will make these smoothies aswell :) So let's get this started.

All you need is this small amount of things:
Two oranges, two apples, 500 g of butter milk and a half frozen fruit mix (this is with mandarins, melon balls, peach, grapes, mango, pineapple and apricots, if you have something similar to this you can use that aswell)
At first you have to peel the apple.
After that you have to peel the orange and remove the white peel, just to make sure that you haven't any peel residues in your finished smoothie.
Now it comes to the fruit mix. Put the half of it in the smoothie machine (the best is when you put it in when it's half frozen and half melted, just for the refreshment).

At least the buttermilk. Depending on which consistence you want to have for your smoothie, put the buttermilk in. 

Now it's time to mix it (favourite part :D)! All you have to do is to press the on button and then everything is finished.
And here's the result:

I just put some chocolate sprinkles on the top, because it looks much nicer. You can vary the amount of ingredients just how you prefer it the most :). Hope you liked my little recipe and let me know if you want more recipes ideas soon.
Have a nice week and amazing holidays (if you have holidays :) ) ,
Karina <3


  1. Hey! I really like your blog, I think your posts are really fun and intresting, would you mind checking out my blog? Thanks! xox

  2. Lecker *.* Ein richtig schöner Post!
    Ich finde es voll cool, dass du auf Englisch schreibst. Du kannst das voll gut :o<3
    Vielleicht hast du ja auch mal Lust bei mir vorbeizuschauen? :)
    Alles Liebe
    Julie <33

    1. Oh vielen lieben Dank Julie :) Freut mich, wenn dir mein Blog gefällt :) Na klar :)
      Alles Liebe
      Karina <3
